Career Assesement and Developement

Vision - The objective is to analyses the defferent factors and circumstances take into account before undertaking the challenge of choosing a profession or job career which will focus on study. The students are most likely encounter of following challenges: 1) to choose a career; 2) Tp choose a college, institute and university; and 3) To adjust and familiar with the life of college, institute and university. The young student must be guided their strengths, and they must feel their career, and skill assessment. The should learn how to judge the career opportunities and become stronger personality. Presently current educational systems and nature of working life is becoe more transnationla, choice of education and career and therefore it becomes more complex. Education and Career development is a very important part of educational career. In general labor trends indicate that many workers are changed the jobs many times in their career, and will work in teams, and need more update education and training in their selected field. Therefore, this process is used repeatedly in job work career. We provide the development programme for assessment of education and career. therefore young students and parents need to take critical decisions for education and career.

Recruitment is one the essential part of HR Operations. It is all about hiring people which are required to execute various tasks and responsibility in the organization at various levels. Every organization has different requirement of the kind of people they need. HR should know about business they are into, so that they can understand that hiring requirement well and able to find out candidates who are best fit for handling such responsibility.

Hiring process is not only the responsibility of HR department but a combined responsibility of both HR and Hiring manager. Hiring managers play an important role in successful recruitment process. Many hiring managers do not spend adequate time with HR to make them understand qualities and capabilities they need in the candidate they are looking for. HR need to ensure that correct and timely hiring should take place hence a well defined process in recruitment will definitely going to help to achieve this objective.

Sba carrer assessement and developement has identified key components and introduce career opportunities in career development program. students need the opportunity to make valuable relations between themselves, education, and the scope of work. We have opportunity to guide the students with effort of assist them in answering the questions:- who am I ? for - Self-knowledge, Where am I going? for - Educational, career exploration and investigation, and how am I going to get there? for - Planning, Management and career development. The framework and program for career program indentifies major steps with goals an planning. Students need to be successful in the life with following learning stages which are provided the necessary skills, tools, techniques, knowledge,resources for systematic global education development and comprehensive career planning program.

English Development - Students are provided basic education and knowledge of English language as to learn, listen, write and speak to develop the personality and career.

Personality Development - Students are provided the education and lnowledge to develop the personality with an understanding of self and relationship to others as to improve the career and development skills.

Career Assessment and development - Students are provided to create and implement a career plan of action to reach their educational and career goals in a diverse and ever-changing economy.

Development of skills for human resource - Students are provided the skills assessment programme and a plan of action for development of qualities as per their educational career goals for human resource as t oreach at proper job and accupation.


General review of organization policies

Importance of HR policy Manual:-
Policies serve several important functions: Communicate values and expectations for how things are done within organization. Keep the organization in compliance with legislation. Document and implement best practices appropriate to the organization. Support consistent treatment of staff, fairness and transparency. Help management to make decisions that are consistent, uniform and predictable. Protect individuals and the organization from the pressures of expediency.

Develop HR policy content
CEO is an important role and can play a variety of roles in HR policy development. It is helpful to have the clear define the role want to take in policy development, whether want to be involved in shaping the content or be involved only at the approval stage. It may decide that only some fundamental policies require their review and other policies can be approved and managed by the executive officer. Alternatively, CEO may form an HR committee to write policies and procedures and may set a time frame for reviewing HR policies, or may delegate this responsibility.

Legal considerations
For policies required by legislation, much of the policy content may be driven by the requirements of the legislation. It is not feasible to review all the possible legislation. Therefore, need to be aware of the legislation that applies in jurisdiction and area of work and consider the following:

Employment/Labour Standards, Privacy legislation, Occupational Health and Safety, Human Rights, Workers Compensation, Draft the policy Write the procedure, Review of the policy by key parties, Approve the policy, Implement the policy, Policy review and update, Communication of changes to policies Role of the CEO in HR policy development

HR Manual Policy and Procedure

Recruitment policy

HR Management And Control